Among 15 past PhD students, 11 are currently at researcher position (US, UK, France, Japan, China, Brasil, Mexico), 6 are at Permanent position at University or Research Institute all over the world.
For the case PhD students managing 2 or 3 journals in 3 years, all of them could become researcher at top research institutes. (2023: Georgia Institute of Technology (36th world rank), 2022: University of Bonn, 2021: AIST(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), 2020: ATR(Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International))
- Wei Zhu, PhD, 2023 (joined Georgia Institute of Technology (36th world rank), USA)
Thesis Title: Prior Knowledge-free Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments through Deep Reinforcement Learning (深層強化学習を用いた動的環境下における事前知識不要なロボットナビゲーションに関する研究)
Referees: M. Hayashibe, K. Yoshida, Y. Hirata, Xuebo Zhang (Nankai University)
Autonomous Navigation System in Pedestrian Scenarios using a Dreamer-based Motion Planner, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol.8, no.6, pp.3836-3843, (2023), W. Zhu and M. Hayashibe IF=5.2
A Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework with High Efficiency and Generalization for Fast and Safe Navigation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (2022), W. Zhu and M. Hayashibe IF=8.16
A Survey of Sim-to-Real Transfer Techniques Applied to Reinforcement Learning for Bio-Inspired Robots, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol.34, no.7, pp.3444-3459, (2023), W. Zhu, X. Guo, D. Owaki, K. Kutsuzawa, M. Hayashibe (published in 2021) IF=10.4
- Yonatan Hutabarat, PhD, 2022
(joined University of Bonn, Germany)
Thesis Title: Multimodal Quantitative Gait Assessment using Minimal Wearable Sensors (最小限のウェアラブルセンサーを用いたマルチモーダルな定量的歩行評価) Referees: M. Hayashibe, R. Nagatomi, T. Watanabe, D. Owaki
Main Publication: Recent Advances in Quantitative Gait Analysis using Wearable Sensors: A Review, IEEE Sensors, vol.21, pp.26470 – 26487, (2021), Y. Hutabarat, D. Owaki, M. Hayashibe
Quantitative Gait Assessment with Feature-Rich Diversity Using Two IMU Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol.2, pp.639-648, (2020), (accepted), Y. Hutabarat, D. Owaki, M. Hayashibe
- Raza Fahad, PhD, 2022
(joined ICT company in Singapore)
- Thesis Title: Balance Stability Augmentation for Wheel-legged Biped Robot through Predictive and Adaptive Control Strategies (予測および適応制御戦略に基づく車輪型二足歩行ロボットのバランス安定性の向上)
- Referees: M. Hayashibe, K. Yoshida, Y. Hirata, A. Chemori (CNRS, France)
- Main Publication: A new Augmented L1 Adaptive Control for Wheel-Legged Robots: Design and Experiments, 2022 American Control Conference, June 2022, F. Raza, A. Chemori, M. Hayashibe (ACC2022)
- Balance Stability Augmentation for Wheel-legged Biped Robot through Arm Acceleration Control, IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.54022-54031, (2021), F. Raza, W. Zhu, M. Hayashibe
- Jiazheng Chai, PhD, 2021
(joined ICT company in Tokyo) 工学研究科長賞, 東北大学, Outstanding PhD thesis with Dean award
Thesis Title: Motor Synergy Emergence and Redundancy Quantification through Deep Reinforcement Learning in Robotics (ロボティクスのための深層強化学習による運動シナジー発現と冗長性定量化に関する研究)
Referees: M. Hayashibe, S. Murata, K. Hashimoto, J. Gallego (Imperial College London, UK)
Main Publication: Quantification of Joint Redundancy considering Dynamic Feasibility using Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, June 2021, J. Chai, M. Hayashibe (ICRA2021)
Motor Synergy Development in High-performing Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, April 2020, 5(2):1271-1278, Jiazheng Chai, M. Hayashibe, (ICRA2020 Paris) IF=3.6
- Keli Shen, PhD, 2021 (joined AIST 産業技術総合研究所 as postdoc)
Thesis Title: Reproducing Synergetic Human Balance Recovery Modalities through Predictive and Learning Control Strategies (協調的な人間のバランス回復モダリティ再現のための予測と学習制御戦略)
Referees: M. Hayashibe, K. Yoshida, Y. Hirata, A. Chemori (CNRS, France)
Main Publication: Reproducing Human Arm Strategy and its Contribution to Balance Recovery Through Model Predictive Control, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 15:679570, (2021), K. Shen, A. Chemori, M. Hayashibe
Human-like Balance Recovery Based on Numerical Model Predictive Control Strategy, IEEE Access, vol.8, pp.92050 – 92060, (2020), K. Shen, A. Chemori, M. Hayashibe
- David Achanccaray, PhD, 2020 (joined ATR, Japan as postdoc)
Thesis Title: Electrotactile Feedback to Improve Immersive Brain-Computer Interface and Motor Imagery Decoding with Deep Learning (没入型ブレインコンピュータインターフェース強化のための電気触覚フィードバックと深層学習による運動イメージ解読)
Referees: M. Hayashibe, T. Tanaka, T. Okatani, S. Bhattacharyya (Ulster University, UK)
Main Publication: Decoding Hand Motor Imagery Tasks within the Same Limb from EEG Signals Using Deep Learning, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol.2, pp.692-699, (2020), D. Achanccaray, M. Hayashibe
Visual-Electrotactile Stimulation Feedback to Improve Immersive Brain-Computer Interface Based on Hand Motor Imagery, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 8832686, (2021), D. Achanccaray, S. Izumi, M. Hayashibe
- Doctorate level -full PhD supervision (The lists below is in France)
- Qin Zhang (PhD, University of Montpellier II) 2009.1-2011.12
(accepted for JSPS postdoc program, since 1.1.2013 Associate Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
“Evoked EMG-based torque prediction for muscle fatigue tracking and closed-loop torque control in FES”
3 journal papers published, including 2 IEEE Transactions
Advisors : M. Hayashibe (Principal), P. Fraisse (supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC)) - Zhan Li (PhD, University of Montpellier II) 2011.10- 2014.12
(since 1.8.2018 Associate Professor at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
“Real-time EMG-Feedback Torque Prediction and Muscle Activation Control toward New Modality in FES”
3 journal papers published, including 1 IEEE Journal and 1 IEEE Magazine
Advisors : M. Hayashibe (Principal), D. Guiraud (supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC)) - Alejandro Gonzalez (PhD, University of Montpellier II) 2011.10- 2014.12
(since 1.9.2015 Temporary Professor at Univ. of Montpellier, Euromov, and currently CONACYT Researcher, Mexico)
“Versatile whole body center of mass identification for balance assessment in home rehabilitation”
3 journal papers published, including 1 IEEE Journal
Advisors : M. Hayashibe (Principal), P. Fraisse (supported by European Comission: INRIA-CORDIS) - Yacin Berranen (PhD, University of Montpellier II) 2011.10- 2015.12
“Volumetric musculoskeletal modeling and simulation”
Advisors : M. Hayashibe (40%), B.Gilles, D. Guiraud (supported by CNRS Handicap grant)
- Doctorate level -full PhD supervision (The lists below is in France)
- Partial Participation in PhD Supervision
- Saugat Bhattacharyya (PhD internship) 2014.10- 2015.6
“Study on Probabilistic nature of Motor Imagery Electroencephalography signals for control” 1 IEEE Transaction
( experience Europe as an Indian Erasmus Mundus, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, and since 2017.8, Postdoc researcher at Univ. of Essex, UK)
PhD defense in Aug. 2015, continued with INRIA BCI-LIFT program until 2017.7
Advisor : D.N. Tibarewala, A. Konar - Roberto Baptista (PhD internship) 2014.5- 2015.4
“Framework for Automatic Assessment of Human Motion for Rehabilitation” 1 IEEE Transaction
(PhD internship bourse d’etudes du Gouvernement Bresilien, Fondation Capes, Universidade de Brasilia (UnB), Brasil and currently Assistant Prof., UnB, Brasil)
Advisor : Antonio Bo - Sourav Chandra (PhD internship) 2013.9- 2014.2 “Dynamic modeling of fatigue induced hand tremor” ( experience Europe as an Indian Erasmus Mundus, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, and since 2017.4, Postdoc researcher at Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, US) Advisor : T. Asokan
- Maria Papaiordanidou (PhD, Oct 2010, University of Montpellier I, EDM UFR STAPS, France)
“Nature peripherique et centrale de la fatigue musculaire”
(Since 2010.10, Maitre de conference at Aix-Marseille Universite (Assistant Professor) and currently at Universite de Dijon)
Advisor : D. Guiraud, A. Varray - Mourad Benoussaad (PhD, Dec 2009, University of Montpellier II, Department of Robotics LIRMM, France)
“Identification protocol under FES and stimulation patterns synthesis for rehabilitation in spinal cord injured subject”
(accepted for JSPS postdoc program, since 2014.9, Maitre de conference at l’Ecole Nationale d’Ing\'{e}nieurs de Tarbes (Assistant Professor))
Advisor : P. Poignet, D. Guiraud